Harrogate Green Party volunteers deliver medicines to villagers

Harrogate District Green Party's ArnoldWarneken in front of his fully electric van, ready for deliveries.Harrogate District Green Party's ArnoldWarneken in front of his fully electric van, ready for deliveries.
Harrogate District Green Party's ArnoldWarneken in front of his fully electric van, ready for deliveries. | other
Harrogate District Green Party has volunteered to help organise medicine collection and deliveries from a rural pharmacy to housebound residents.

Springbank Health in Tockwith and Green Hammerton previously relied on volunteers to deliver prescribed drugs but many of these volunteers are themselves now self-isolating, leaving the delivery service under threat.

Harrogate District Green Party's Arnold Warneken of Cowthorpe is now coordinating a group of 20 volunteers, delivering medicines from Monday to Friday.

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Volunteers observe the two metres distance rule, making sure that the patient receives their drugs safely before the volunteer leaves.

Arnold Warneken said: “The team is performing an invaluable service to those unable to collect their own prescriptions.

"The local pharmacy is already suffering serious staff shortages, and it is vital that patients receive their medicines promptly.

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"There is no charge for this service but donations have been accepted on behalf of Springbank Health Patient Group, and will be used to improve facilities or equipment at the practice.”

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