Glasshouses Community Primary School are all smiles as new morning toast breakfast scheme improves mood of students and enhances learning.Glasshouses Community Primary School are all smiles as new morning toast breakfast scheme improves mood of students and enhances learning.
Glasshouses Community Primary School are all smiles as new morning toast breakfast scheme improves mood of students and enhances learning.

IN PICTURES: Glasshouses Primary School ‘all smiles’ as new breakfast scheme brightens mood and improves learning

Glasshouses Community Primary School students were all smiles as they praised the new morning toast breakfast scheme helping to improve their mood and learning experience.

The breakfast scheme serves up toast each morning during a ten minute period where the children relax and share how they feel each day.

If children have negative feelings, however small, there is care on hand if they wish to talk it through with an adult so they can start their learning day free of anxiety.

The children said the scheme has had a positive impact on how they feel, with the majority saying they ‘feel happy about having the chance to talk’ and feel safer beause there is an adult who is happy to listen, if they need it.

Take a look at years 4, 5, and 6 who really enjoyed getting their picture taken with their toast for the newspaper.

The children said the scheme has had a positive impact on how they feel, with the majority saying they ‘feel happy about having the chance to talk’ and feel safer beause there is an adult who is happy to listen, if they need it.