Wetherby care firm creates 80 new jobs

Home Instead Wetherby and North Leeds is looking for 80 new caregivers.Home Instead Wetherby and North Leeds is looking for 80 new caregivers.
Home Instead Wetherby and North Leeds is looking for 80 new caregivers.
A company that provides at-home care to elderly clients is looking for 80 new caregivers to meet an increase in demand due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Home Instead Wetherby and North Leeds is recruiting people both with and without experience in the sector, and who may come from a range of sectors. It said a “warm heart and desire to make a difference” are prized over previous experience.

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The company is also looking to recruit up to five live-in caregivers, who move into a client’s home and provide care.

Simon White, owner of Home Instead Wetherby and North Leeds, said: “It’s heartbreaking to see some successful businesses in the area suffer due to the virus. Across Leeds, Wetherby and the whole of West Yorkshire, there are people whose future employment is uncertain through no fault of their own.

“Whether you have faced redundancy or want to try something new, we’d love you to consider working for Home Instead. You don’t need to have a background in care - we will offer you the training you need and immerse you in the company’s values which ensure that the care we deliver is outstanding.”